Bereavement Groups
What are the benefits of Bereavement Groups for grief?
Bereavement support groups provide a safe space to feel, express, and share your grief. A trained bereavement counselor will help create a healing atmosphere while guiding discussions about grief. Participants will connect and create to build a community that offers support and socialization outside of the group.
Every Wednesday 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Facilitated by Joy Smith, RN, and Kevin Glenn, LPCC
The Drop-In Group is available on Zoom for adults who have lost a loved one, whether that is a child, a spouse, a parent, or another important person in their lives. The groups offer the opportunity for general discussion where participants are invited to share their stories, obtain peer support, and receive guidance from a professional with expertise in bereavement care to begin the healing process. These groups are ideal for those who have recently lost their loved one, and they also welcome others whose loss was further in the past.
Additional Information:
This support group is free to the community
You are not limited to how often you can attend.
To get connected to the group, please call us at
831-320-0947 or email info@heal-together.org
Every Monday 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM /
Todo los lunes a las 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Facilitado por Monte Mojica, MDiv
El Grupo está disponible en Zoom para adultos que han perdido a un ser querido, ya sea un hijo, un cónyuge, un padre o otra persona importante en sus vidas. Los grupos ofrecen la oportunidad de un debate general en el que se invita a los participantes a compartir sus historias, obtener el apoyo de sus compañeros y recibir orientación de un profesional con experiencia en la atención del duelo para comenzar el proceso de curación. Estos grupos son ideales para aquellos que han perdido recientemente a un ser querido, y también dan la bienvenida a otros cuya pérdida fue más lejana en el pasado. El propósito principal del grupo es proporcionar un lugar seguro para que las personas expresen sus sentimientos, preocupaciones y dolor por perder a un familiar o amigo querido, sin juzgar. Este espacio proporciona apoyo emocional y espiritual.
Información adicional:
Este grupo de apoyo es gratuito para la comunidad.
No se limita a la frecuencia con la que puede asistir.
Llámenos para más información
Every 1st Wednesday of each month 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Facilitated by Joy Smith, RN
Losing a child is one of the most difficult experiences a parent can ever have. Groups and one-on-one sessions are available both on Zoom and in person for adults who have lost a child, including a child in utero.
The sessions offer the opportunity for general discussion where
participants are invited to share their stories, obtain peer support, and receive guidance from a professional with expertise in bereavement care and child loss to begin the healing process.
Additional Information:
This support group is free to the community.
You are not limited to how often you can attend.​
To get connected to the group, please call us at
831-320-0947 or email info@heal-together.org
Every Tuesday 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Facilitated by Karen Judd Lewis
Grieving a death by homicide, suicide or accidental death is often more complicated, confusing, and bewildering.
Survivors often confront emotions like guilt, shame, and anger every time they think about or answer questions concerning their loss. Participating in this group will connect you with other people who have experienced similar losses. As a group, you'll feel less isolated, more willing to voice what you're going through and hear how others are trying to manage their grief. Everyone's grief journey is their own and everyone experiences grief differently. Talking with people in similar circumstances will help you find comfort, recognition, and affirmation as you move forward.
Additional Information:
This support group is free to the community.
You are not limited to how often you can attend.
To get connected to the group, please call us at
831-320-0947 or email info@heal-together.org
Children and Teens
What are the benefits of Children and Teens for grief?
Children and teenagers have been touched uniquely during the pandemic. It is essential to have specialized programs that address their unique and changing needs. Expressive therapies allow children and teens to find a way to connect with their grief and build resiliency.
One-on-one counseling
One-on-one counseling and telehealth provide a licensed therapist or an associate therapist who specializes in grief to help you understand the grieving process, provide a safe space to express your feelings, and teach tools to help you function and feel better as you move through your grieving process.
Apoyo en Español
¿Cuáles son los beneficios de participar en actividades para el duelo?
Es imperativo que seamos capaces de expresar nuestro dolor en nuestro propio idioma. Los terapeutas y consejeros de duelo brindan apoyo a nuestra comunidad de hispanohablantes, educan sobre el dolor y la perdida, enseñan herramientas y abordan las normas culturales para llegar a las personas que están de duelo, de una manera que sea cómoda para su personalidad única, dentro de su cultura única.
Asesoramiento en Grupo
Los grupos de apoyo para el duelo proporcionan un espacio seguro para sentir, expresar y compartir su dolor. Un consejero de duelo capacitado ayudará a crear una atmósfera de sanación mientras guía las discusiones sobre el dolor. Los participantes se conectarán entre sí y crearán una comunidad que ofrezca apoyo y socialización fuera del grupo
Coastal Kids nurses and social workers coordinate with dozens of agencies to makes sure our pediatric patients and their families have access to community resources to support their financial, social and emotional well-being when transitioning from hospital to home. Here are a few of the agencies we work with everyday.

Our donors are our heroes. Without their generous support, kids in our community living with illness and disability would not have access to compassionate in home healthcare. We are incredibly grateful to these loyal long-time donors for making home possible for sick kids.
